Need Help Getting Out of Chronic Pain?

Unwind chronic tension, improve your posture, and feel relief fast with Clinical Somatic Education

Are you bothered by any of these conditions?

Tight Jaws     Rounded Shoulders     Stooped Posture     Back Pain     Sciatica     Stiff Hips     Uneven Legs     Painful Knees     Foot Pain

If so, you've come to the right place for help

To get long-lasting relief from pain, you have to take a different approach, but there's a problem ...

  • You've been told "nothing's wrong"
  • Aging seems a plausible explanation for ongoing pain
  • You really want to ditch the pain pills
  • What you've tried so far just isn't working 
  • It's really frustrating to have nagging pain
  • You've already invested a lot of time and money

Up to 80% of Americans will experience low back pain at some point in their life. Muscular pain in any part of the body can be acute lasting for a few days or weeks, or chronic lasting months and years.

In response to pain the brain initiates protective reflexes to guard an injured area creating muscle tension to stabilize and protect it from further harm. Initially this is a natural healing response. However, the brain can continue to send signals of threat, and "muscle guarding," long after an injury has healed. This is known as neuro-muscular tension.

Whether your discomfort is a result of an accident, surgery, trauma, overuse of your muscles, or posture, pandiculation, the main method of Clinical Somatic Education, can provide quick and consistent relief from muscle tension and pain. By understanding and addressing the root causes of tension, you can release tight muscles and reduce pain without relying on medications or invasive treatments.

Gentle and effective Clinical Somatic Education sessions help you relearn how to sit, stand, and move without pain. Improve your flexibility and say goodbye to the painful effects of past injuries, trauma, overwork, and stress.

Somatic Education has everything you need to learn how to move with ease again. Classes, recordings, and sessions offer step-by-step instructions on how to release chronic tension and move without discomfort and all for a fraction of the cost of other methods of pain relief.

Every Class or Session Makes it Easy to Master Releasing Chronic Tension the Root Cause of Neuromuscular Pain

What Makes Clinical Somatics so Different?

Somatics addresses the root cause of chronic pain, the brain. That's right, the brain controls our muscles. If our body is tense it's because our brain is programmed to hold it that way. In Somatics we reprogram the brain to let go of tension. It's simple and it works.

  • Improve your flexibility and balance
  • Regain confidence in your body
  • Get back to doing what you love
  • Release deep-rooted stress and tension
  • Gain fuller freer breathing
  • Increase your energy and vitality

While traditional exercise can be vigorous and goal oriented, Somatic movements are gentle and focus on the process of how you move by engaging the brain’s intelligence in sensing and controlling muscles.

This greatly improves muscle function and releases the unnecessary holding that leads to tension, pain, and stiffness without stretching.  

Practicing Somatics you’ll feel more relaxed, supple, and flexible and be able to easily soften the pain caused by chronic neuromuscular tension.

Getting Started

Studio Membership

Our Membership offers twice weekly live online Somatics movement classes with time for Q&A and connecting with the community.

You'll also have access to on-demand Somatics self-care movement recordings, a great alternative if you're unable to attend a live class.

Included in the membership are qigong, breathwork, and meditation offerings. 

In-Person Clinical Sessions

Each session is focused on your individual needs as you actively learn how to move your body to reset muscle tonus from a state of tension to relaxation. You’ll also learn a daily home movement program to continue unwinding stiffness and release muscular holding.
Individual sessions are a wonderful and gentle way to recover from tension patterns caused by accidents, injuries, trauma, overworking, postural issues, and stress.  

In-person sessions are located in Seattle, Washington.

Somatics Online Movement Coaching

Online movement coaching is a great option if you’re unable to participate in hands-on sessions or want more specific guidance on how to practice somatic movements.

After a postural assessment, you’ll receive coaching on movements that are individually curated to address specific concerns you may have.

You’ll learn a series of movements for your home Somatics practice to relieve patterns of tension and holding leading to increased range of motion, flexibility, and ease.  


"The morning after my first session, I woke up feeling that my body was looser, more relaxed, and more flexible than usual. As I did my regular exercise routine, I was able to stretch further than normal in a variety of exercises. I noticed this particularly around my shoulders. I had not previously realized how restricted my range of motion had been. My hamstrings also seemed looser and easier to move."


"I wanted to tell you that the other day when I was packing up my new client's kitchen, my upper back was really in pain from the strain. I decided to do all of the back, neck, and shoulder exercises right then and there. It totally made the pain go away and it hasn’t come back! I’m really thankful for these tools that you’ve shared with me."


"My sessions with Jill have helped to resolve some chronic pain issues I had in my hip and shoulders. Before seeing Jill, I had tried PT, massage, and other modalities. It turns out that the gentle, very slow Somatic movements have made the biggest difference for me. Because these pain issues are no longer flaring up, I'm getting more involved in physical activity and have increased my overall fitness. I'm so grateful!"


Three Easy Steps to Getting Started With Clinical Somatics

1. Choose Your Pathway

Sign up for a membership or individual session

2.  Start Releasing Tension

Learn how to release chronic muscle tension with somatic movements

3.  Feel the Difference

Enjoy increased flexibility and relief from pain and tension

Putting off relieving your chronic pain or tension can make things worse!

It's so easy to put off fully resolving your pain due to time constraints or perceived value for money. While it may feel familiar to keep tolerating chronic tension, finding temporary workarounds, and complaining to yourself or others about various aches and pains, it won't make the pain go away in the long run and may even make things worse.

Consider the alternative: Somatics sessions offer some of the most effective techniques available for long-lasting and substantial change for your body and health on all levels. You'll gain more mobility, relieve pressure on your joints, and improve your posture and overall body awareness. You may also find that you generally feel a lot more relaxed and gain an improved ability to cope with stress.

Sign-Up for a Session and/or Join the Membership

COACHING session

Online or In-Person

  • Free 20-Minute Discovery Session
  • In-person or online Clinical Somatic Education
  • Somatic movement coaching 
  • Customized home movement program 
  • Email support 
  • One-time payment 
  • Packages available

studio membership

Includes Sales Tax

  • 8 Somatics classes ($160 value)
  • 5 breathwork classes ($100 value)
  • 4 qigong classes ($80 value)
  • PLUS
  • Extensive library of recorded classes and practices
  • 7-Day Breathing Challenge
  • Breathing for calm, sleep, and easing anxiety
  • Introductory Somatics course
  • 60+ Somatics class recordings
  • 20+ Somatics Mini Moves videos
  • Live online community (priceless!)
  • Special membership offers
  • Email support
  • Recurring payment - cancel any time